Saturday, September 28, 2013

Relief Society Broadcast September 2013

Keeping our Covenants- Linda K. Burton Relief Society General President

A covenants is a promise we will live, think, and act in the way of Christ- Holland

Strive for the attitude, "I'll go where you want me to go, I'll do what you want me to do,"

Why keep covenants?

1. Covenant keeping strengthens, powers, and protects. We all have burdens to bear. Bearing another's burden is keeping your covenants.

Engrave your promises upon your heart.

Do we realize our vital role in salvation as we teach our children? Keeping covenants gives us the power to do this. 

2. Keeping covenants is essential for true happiness.
Covenant keepers are commandment keepers. Ordinances and covenants are spiritual milestones. God always keeps his promises.

3. Demonstrates our love for Heavenly Father.
Do we keep our covenants with a deep love? Christ did it because His love for His Father and us. For God so LOVED the world that he gave us his beloved son. Covenant keeping is one way to express our love for the atonement and our savior.

We need a regular manifestation of Christ in our daily lives.

Carole M. Stephens General Relief Society First Counselor

Serve the Lord by serving others your whole life. We keep covenants everyday as we are kind, show love, and help each other every day.

Love and serving in small ways is an active participation in salvation. We have made sacred covenants. We can work together to help each other press forward on the straight and narrow path.

The Lord keeps a perfect record of your saving work. We have the opportunity to be instruments in His hands.

Linda S. Reeves General Relief Society Second Counselor

We feel the love of the Savior most when we repent.

Do we recognize the ability of the savior to cleanse us every week?

The Lord allows us to be tried and tested. He doesn't leave us alone, but stands with open arms, asking us to come to Him.

Nothings happens to us is a surprise to the lord. He is eager to help us and ease our pain. The trials we experience may be the things that lead us to Him.

Come to the temple and claim your blessings.

Seek the spirit when we are being critical of ourselves. Is this what the Lord wants us to think about ourselves or Satan? The Lord wants to lift us up.

The Lord only cares about how well we have kept our covenants and tried to be like Him.

President Monson

How can I keep sights set on celestial as I navigate through telestial? Remember prayer. Prayer is an anchor to Christ. God will speak peace to the soul. This is life's greatest blessing.

Amazing power and strength is available to us through prayer. Christ will be there for us to help if we but ask. Pray always and be believing and all things will work for us.

Pray isn't just for times of trouble. Pray always. Did you think to pray? As we read and ponder the scriptures the spirit will whisper to our souls. We gain a sure testimony of Christ and Heavenly Father. When combined with our prayers, we can know with a certainty that the gospel is true. Take time to turn to the scriptures for greater blessings and lessened burdens.

God's love is always there for us. Looking back you will realize He was always there beside you.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Youth of the Noblie Birthright: Elder Russell M. Nelson CES Devotional September 8th

Balance secular learning with spiritual learning.

What will you choose?

Will you choose to increase in learning?
Develop a deep desire to learn. Education is a religious responsibility. They glory of God is intelligence. Intelligence will rise with us in the resurrection. A long range perspective will help us make choices in our education. Education is the difference between wishing you could help others and being able to help others.

What manner of living will you choose?

Be thou an example of the believers. Choose to think and act different than those of the world and see how you can influence others. Unto whom much is given, much is required. Wickedness never was happiness.

Will you establish priorities to make choices in your life?
The most important truth you can learn is from the Lord. Seek to know God and Jesus Christ more than anything else. Study D&C 76 to understand blessing of eternal life. Choose eternal life as your first priority.

With whom will you associate?
Flee from non-believers that don't have your best interest at heart. Any pleasure in sin is only fleeting.

Will you choose freedom or bondage?
We are living in enemy-occupied territory.

Will you choose to follow the Lord of the philosophies of men?

Keep studying the scriptures and increasing your faith in Jesus Christ and see what good choices you make naturally.

How will you prepare for your personal interview with the Savior?
Each day on Earth gives you time to prepare for that interview. As you pour out your heart in daily pray, angels will be sent down to you.

In whom will you put your trust?

Put your trust in your Heavenly Father. Be worthy to go to the temple. Remember your goal of eternal life. Opportunities to go to the temple are essential to that goal.