Boyd K. Packer
"We will not always be safe from the adversary even in our own homes," As sad as it is it may be true. I could tell a huge difference from being at home and living at BYU. I feel as though worldly values may have penetrated my home. I love my family incredibly much, don't get me wrong, but I think there is more we can do to make our home a safe and spiritual place. Boyd K. Packer explained the solution, "Live in such a way that the adversary cannot enter into our homes." At BYU I've learned from the example of my room mates and others that I can create my own good environment. I hope that when I move back home I will be able to make it a spiritual and safe environment. President Packer said, " The work of the righteous shall be peace...and quietness," I am reminded to bring peace into my family, rather than instigate fights with my brother.
"Faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief," When asked what faith is, how often do we reply it is a power? Never. It is incredible to think that not only is faith a witness and testimony, but it is also a power. Now that I think about it, I believe this to be true. I hope that I can grow this power more in my own life.
"We must separate the sin from the sinner" The story of Jesus and the adulterous woman was used as an example. Jesus condemned the sin, but not the woman who committed the sin. This reminds me to continue to embrace friendships even if the friends I have do things that are contrary to my values. However, Boyd K. Packer exclaimed that even though the world tolerate and legalizes immoral acts the consequences are the same. Everyday I realize more and more how true this is. The world is so clearly flipping good and bad. Just remembering my high school days is evidence of this to me. President Packer invites me to remember, "Everything that inviteth to do of God" many times I get promptings to do things and I don't pay much attention to them. I am invited to remember that all good ideas and thoughts are of God.
In closing, President Packer said that the greatest thing he can offer is his testimony of Christ. What a powerful idea this is!
Dean M. Davies
Davies began with a story of when he experienced an earthquake and an admontion to build ourselves upon a strong foundation. The foundation of Jesus Christ. I was surprised to learn that when temples are built, numerous geologic studies are conducted to determine that the land is a good foudnation and temples will be able to withstand any natural disasters that may happen. How cool is that!
Davies warned listeners that we are at risk of being weakened in our spiritual structure. He gave three ways to avoid this.
2.Scripture Study
3. Sacrament
He included the quote in the picture below to emphasize how important scriptures are. Not only reading them, but studying them.
Craig Coldon
The Savior forgives sins on Earth not just at the judgement seat. The lord wants us to understand His willingness to forgive... He mentioned more than 20 times in the Doctrine and Covenants that The Lord repeatedly told Joseph Smith his sins were forgiven.
The world knows the consequences of the world on men. We may overcome the world. The Savior wants to forgive. He forgives with repentance. "Christ says, 'I will be merciful unto your weakness,'". We are commanded to repent and forgive. He promises, "I will not utterly cast you off and in the day of wrath I will remember mercy,"
Henry B. Eyring
President Eyring began with my favorite scripture:
President Eyring quoted Mosiah 18 9 Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand ascwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being abaptized in the bname of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a ccovenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
Eyring's main message was that through service the Lord will draw nearer unto us.
"I promise to you as you pray and serve the Lord, that the Savior will come and bless you and your family with what is best. You will feel his comfort as you reach out to those in need. His arms are outstretched with yours." By his words and example, Christ has shown us how to draw nearer unto him.
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