Dieter F. Uctdorf
Do not dwell in darkness, there is light. Resist the temptation to give into the darkness. Instead hold on to the hope of the Gospel.God's light has the power to heal our wounds. It can be a balm for the deepest loneliness and sorrows.
It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the light of Christ.
How? 1. Start where you are.
You don't have to be perfect. Doesn't matter how far behind others you may feel you are. The darkness may not dissipate at one, but the light will come.
2. Turn your heart towards the Lord's.
Pray, plead with him for strength and support. Ask that you may hear Him and see His light.
3. Walk in the light.
He desires that you rise up and become the person that you are designed to be. As we seek to love our God and our neighbor the light will surround us. As we draw near to God he will draw near to us.To those walking in darkness remember the Savior's promise:
Jesus is the true and powerful entrance to divine enlightenment. Darkness cannot stand before the brilliant light of the son of God.
I think this talk will be helpful to me in future when I may experience sorrow.
L. Whitney Clayton
(Note to self: Re-read this talk when getting married)
"Humility answers softly and listens kindly for understanding. With faith, effort, and the help of God we can undergo a mighty change of heart."
L. Tom Perry
Obedience to law is liberty. Next to life itself, free agency is God's greatest gift. Satan tempts to prove we are unworthy of agency. Don't underestimate Satan. Each choice we make is a test of our agency. It's a choice between liberty and eternal life and captivity and death. Satan seeks that all men may be miserable unto himself.
This makes so much sense to me. It also makes me want to be better and prove Satan wrong.
Eternal happiness comes from obedience to his law. All blessings are predicated on obedience. The restored gospel of Christ never wavers. We must not pick and choose which commandments are important. We must stand firm and steadfast. May we be a light on a hill. An example of keeping commandments that will never change. May we be a beacon to the whole Earth.
Thomas S. Monson
Where is truth to be found? Truth is knowledge of things as they are, as they were, and as they are to come. No man receive the fullness of truth unless he fulfills the commandments. He will be glorified in truth and knoweth all things.
Our guide is obedience. Truth comes to us as we are obedient to the commandments. "To obey is better than sacrifice."-the prophet Samuel. All prophets knew that obedience is essential to salvation. Never once did Nephi fail at that which the Lord asked him.
Obedience is a hallmark of prophets. It is essential to us to realize that we are entitled to this power and knowledge.
No greater example exists than that of our Savior. The Savior demonstrated genuine love of God by his obedience. Ever was he humble, sincere, and obedient. By refusing to deviate from what he knew was right when tempted by the Devil, Jesus gave us the perfect example. "Follow Thou Me"
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